TTC mode
Z-120 Technology
Full touch display and intuitive menu navigation
USB Port Download Service Centre
Z-Dry Mode
Accurate and time-saving -
Safety through PFC
Features and their properties
TTC-mode enables linear cooling*
The ingenious software and the firing chamber design
enable a linear cooling process when in TTC mode:
this prevents chipping, microfractures and cracks
in zirconia ceramics.
* available only in the VARIO 230ZR version.
Z-120 Technology
The VARIO 230 series ceramic ovens feature a firing chamber
with an inner diameter of 120mm and heating coil height
of approx. 60mm. This unique size configuration allows for
temperature homogeneity across the entire firing tray unattained
until now. This new configuration in conjunction with
Zubler’s legendary temperature control systems, guarantee
the utmost precision and highest quality firings no matter
where on the tray you put your work!
Z-Dry Mode | Accurate and time-saving
A virtual sensor adjusts the lift position based on the temperature
in the fi ring chamber and automatically ensures an ideal
and constant pre-drying temperature. This feature saves time
from the traditional methodology and is much more accurate.
Safety through PFC (Power-Fail-Control)
If the power goes out, PFC is activated! Once power is restored the oven operation is returned to the point of interruption.
USB Port Download Service Centre
After successful registration of your VARIO 230 furnace in the service
area of our Zubler homepage you have access to our huge database.
To download various programmes for all dental ceramics on the market
and the current software version for your furnace - simply log in and
In addition to the extended warranty, you will receive all services in
the download centre and you will always be technically up-to-date.
EASY Light Display
Optimum visibility from all viewing angles – even at greater distances and under difficult lighting conditions such as bright sunshine.
Full touch display and intuitive menu navigation
The VARIO 230 presents itself with a large and well-arranged
full touch display. The modern and contemporary menu
navigation represents more effi ciency and operating comfort.
Whether editing for one-time a running programme or
permanently changing the programme parameters
- working with the VARIO 230 proves to be child‘s play.
The only firing chamber in the world with an inside diameter of 120 mm!
Z-120 Technology
Ø 90 mm
Ø 120 mm
There is a considerable diff erence between the available and usable space inside a ceramic oven.
The available space is generally considered to be the diameter of the fi ring tray plus the working height.
The usable space, conversely, includes the thermal conditions of a fi ring chamber.
The heating coils used in ceramic ovens radiate at temperatures far above 1000°C during the sintering phase. Consequently, temperatures in direct proximity to the heating coil are ‘useless’ for consistent results when processing dental ceramics.
Zubler is the only ceramic oven manufacturer in the world to address this problem and develop a fi ring chamber with a larger inner diameter.
The VARIO 230 series ceramic oven’s 120mm inside diameter ensures temperature homogeneity across the entire 80mm-diameter fi ring tray, irrespective of the position or number of objects.
Even when firing a full tray of objects at the same time, you will be amazed at the identical firing results, even without increasing the final temperature or extending the holding time of the program.
The heating coils used in ceramic ovens radiate at temperatures far above 1000°C during the sintering phase. Consequently, temperatures in direct proximity to the heating coil are ‘useless’ for consistent results when processing dental ceramics.
Zubler is the only ceramic oven manufacturer in the world to address this problem and develop a fi ring chamber with a larger inner diameter.
The VARIO 230 series ceramic oven’s 120mm inside diameter ensures temperature homogeneity across the entire 80mm-diameter fi ring tray, irrespective of the position or number of objects.
Even when firing a full tray of objects at the same time, you will be amazed at the identical firing results, even without increasing the final temperature or extending the holding time of the program.

In the outer region of the fi ring tray
the dental ceramic is positioned
too close
to the heating coil.
Temperature too high at the object
Temperature too high at the object
In the outer region of the fi ring tray
the dental ceramic is positioned
more than 20mm away
from the heating coil.
Optimum temperature at the object
Optimum temperature at the object
Perfect firing result